Monday, May 16, 2016

DAY 7, October 29th

2:00 AM: Somehow I survived what can only be described as a surreal, nuclear-fueled waking nightmare.

It began as I ripped the mini gun off the vertibird and they spotted me. I started sniping the raiders from the roof taking out the first raider on the rooftop across the road. Took out three more and their leader (Preston told me later his name was "Gristle", charming.) before I leapt off the roof three stores to the street and brought the fight to them.  The cloudless night sky and moon provided more then enough light to see my adversaries, and the power armor proved more then functional.

As I advanced forward up the main street our cross fire blew up the truck I had stored the bodies of the first raiders in...they went flying like bloody dolls in a shower of limbs. I continued to push forward on three raiders, tossing a cocktail and taking one out, then there was this reverberating thud of creaking metal and some...thing burst out of the sewers through a metal plate in the street north of us. It must have been at least 9 feet tall, like a monster from a movie with scales, horns and claws. We all turned our guns on the thing as it dispatched the raiders with frightening speed then turned towards me and Dogmeat. I assessed the situation and ran for a bombed out store front near the museum, hiding in the stairwell while my dog rushed forward. 

I switched to Nora and started throwing the few grenades and cocktails I had to conserve the minigun's ammo from the shelter of the building. Must have fired off 40 rounds from her, not sure how many hit but a good number did yet it still kept trying to find a way into the store.  The creature was to large to fit through any openings in the brick and it was enraged.  If this is what Mama Murphy sensed she was dead on, it was pissed. When I heard Dogmeat yelp and go down I switched back to the big gun and let it all loose through the empty widow frames.  Its barrel was white hot and I could not hear myself yelling over the bullets until thing finally fell and I let off the trigger. Thankfully Dogmeat was wounded but not out and a quick stim had him back on his feet. 

When I stepped out Preston was out on the balcony, he had been sniping the whole time, and motioned that there was another raider nearby.  I headed north but he was behind me near the museum. Preston snipped him from the balcony and just like that, it was all over. 

I walked over to the beast and just stared at the size of it.  Using one of the switchblades I found on a raider I took a chunk of its meat and one of its claws.  I hope I don’t see another one again for a long time.

5:30 AM: Left the T-45 outside to save core power and met Preston downstairs in the entrance of the museum with the others. I don't know why but when he thanked me and expressed how impressive I had been, I just seemed to fill with rage. I snapped back that he was nothing to me...but he saw through it and pointed out I had helped regardless.  It must have been lack of sleep…I was running off Nuka Cola and stimpacks and still on an adrenaline rush. 

He was right...there is a purpose with these people, so when he asked if I would accompany them to the Hills, or as he calls it "Sanctuary", I said yes. As we were about to go Mama Murphy interrupted talking about my destiny. I humored her and asked what she meant...she mentiond I was "a man out of time" and my son was alive!

Shawn!  How could she have know about him? I didn’t say who I was looking of when Preston asked me upstairs! When I asked where he was she said she wished she knew, that she could only feel his life force...and said I should search in Diamond City. I’d only heard of that place through that radio station I stopped listening to days ago, so I pressed for more info...but she said she was tired and asked for more chems. Preston jumped in chastising her for that...but it was time to go. Apparently it was her idea to go to the Hills. Marcy was being a bitch about it, questioning why they listen to the crazy old woman, while Jun just silently wept. Then Sturgis pointed out there were no better ideas, no one had an answer to that. I told Prestiom I would accompany them as far as the Red Rocket where I had to rest. I was excused and felt mildly dehydrated, not to mention I was carrying too much without the power armor's support. 

Once back in it my legs and back quit aching and I followed them as far as the Rocket. The short trip there was eventful and there was little talk.  Marcy, ever the scowling grump, she seemed to have a soft spot for Jun. She was encouraging him and even holding his hand.  As we parted ways at the Rocket Preston assured me he would get them to Sanctuary safe…perhaps its a fitting name for the place, it certainly served as one for me.

6:15 AM: I need to sleep and then figure out what I'm going to do about some water, I'm out but I can’t keep my eyes open. Parked the T-45 at the power armor station in the garage and closed the loading door.  I feel like I can sleep for a day...

6:15 PM: I didn't sleep a day, but I sleep half of one. Feeling extremely better but need to find some food...and I'm extremely thirsty. 

Ate a meal of Sugar Bombs, and berries...then set about making a well. I cannot continue to trek back into the Vault for fresh water, and a fresh supply must be beneath our feet. 

6:45 PM: Damn, I need concrete and some gears, I thought I had enough. I have plenty of steel, perhaps I have what is needed back in Sanctuary? Besides, I need to ensure Preston and the rest are safe. It's already dusk so I think I'll head back to Concord and loot the dead before it gets dark. Looks like I'm drinking dirty water tonight.

Pieced together leather armor for my arms and chest over Preston's fellow Minuteman's outfit…never got his name. Some raider legs complete the outfit and I'm feeling much more protected. Heading out to Concord as the sun sets. 

8:42 PM: Had to drink some water from a crater in the street leading into Concord. God, I never wanted to swallow water like what was flooding the Vault entrance again. It's warm, slick and thick saltwater. Your body reacts to it instantly, like its telling you your drinking something poisonous. Well I'm hydrated but I need to take some rad away soon before I get too much in my system. The dead from last night’s fight are around the corner, let's see what these fuckers had on them...

10:31 PM: Looks like most the bodies were removed in the last fourteen hours...don't want to stick around to find out by what. I dumped those poor shits who's corpses got blown sky high into the tunnel left by the monster. Looks like there is a doorway to the sewers down there but I'm in no condition to explore.  Also moved the dead Minute Man off the road against the museum, it’s the least I could do.

That thing's giant body is still where it fell. Hard to look at it.

10:52 PM: Quickly raided the store I held up in during the battle. Turns out it was a hardware shop. Scored some fuses, lightbulb, a bag of fertilizer and some chems on the roof. Not too bad...need to head back to the Rocket, it's getting darker. 

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