Saturday, May 14, 2016

DAY 3, October 25th

6:37 AM: Woke a little after dawn and ate a meal of baked bloat fly, one of those odd melons, and that old can of pork and beans. After a trip behind the house to relive my tortured bowls I was off to explore the rest of the neighborhood, feeling physically better. First time I've gone since I've woke. 

Found another cap "stash" in the Baker's still standing home next door. 17 more of the mashed things. Other then an empty bottle and can, I scrapped an old fan for the steel and screws, the bed for wood, and the broken sink and toilet for ceramic. In their bedroom I also found some old military fatigues. Old Bernie was a vet from before my time, they seem to fit fine and are comfortable with a better range of motion then this trench. (+2 AGI). Not much else here so I crossed the street to the house that had been for sale when, when we left home. It's caved in and a wreck. Maybe I'll clear off its foundation if I end up sticking around here. 

On to the Able's place which was pretty cleared out...except for the fucking roaches that launched at my face from the celling!  I squeezed off two round and killed a smaller one while there rest scattered, took its meat as well. As I was breaking down their bed I noticed a locked suitcase on the dresser. Going to try and pick the lock now...

Sweet! Six more 10mm round, a bobby pin for my next lock and a military cap.  Put the beret on, might not be as stylish but it's functional. (+1 PER) On the way out I checked the old fridge and was rewarded for my curiosity with an unopened Nuka Cherry and some Yum Yum Deviled Eggs. Every little bit counts. 

Of course one of the roaches that fled jumped me on my way out. It was smaller then the bop with my baton and it popped in a creamy gush. More meat for my cook pot!

Next is the Hawthorn's, thought it would be like the Able's but I was wrong. Looks like someone took up residence here at some point in the last century or two. (Ha ha) Found a syringe of Med-X in the bedroom, some laundered loungeware, and in the shower a 10mm pistol. I'll break that puppy down later. 

Even more interestingly the other bedroom has a working terminal on a desk!  Going to see if I can get any info from it now... there is a safe here as well, and as I was about to sit at the desk and access the computer I see there is a makeshift bomb on the safe. Been a while since I had to disarm one of these...and this Med-X ain't going to patch up a missing hand. Well, if this is my last entry, I love you Shawn and I hope your ok...

Well that was exciting in a productive way. Disarmed the thing and picked the lock on the safe. 25 rounds of .38, another of those makeshift pipe pistols, $180 in pre-end-of-the-world money, 7 shotgun shells (I'd love one right now), and a silver locket. Also found a gold watch in a file cabinet here...if anything I can use the delicate internals for parts. Going to see if I can pick computers as well as locks...

So apparently no one set up shop here...Ricky Hawthorn was just supplying half our neighbors, some folks in Concord and even people in Boston with drugs!  Buffout, Jet, Mentats and something called Pycho among other compounds. Jesus, I guess things were already at their limit before IT happened. I know about most of these drugs from my tours of duty...nasty stuff but I won't lie...if I find some I might very well use it myself. Any escape from this nightmare would be welcome right now...

Well, according to his entry the Russle's had a safe in their floor under the dresser. I should check their house out next. 

The quiet is getting to me. Turned on that Diamond City radio as I walked over to the Russle's place...

So not much here...some wonderglue and a fuse in the carport's toolbox, $20 in the bedroom, and I found the floorsafe but I can't pick that lock. Found a fishing poll, but the river does not look like it is supporting anything edible. Oh, and a can of dog food. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. 

Only house left is the Whitfield's and time's ticking...not that it matters I suppose...

Damn it!  Another roach got me from behind while crossing the street...left a nasty gash on my arm too. I'll tend to it later. 

11:20 AM: Well the Whitfield's is a loss. Looks like someone crashed their car into it and the blast wave did the rest. Scrapped the car along with a toilet and some downed trees. Starting to get a good stockpile of materials, which I'm thinking might be good for reinforcing our home against the pests. I can only imagine what hunts the roaches...

Well that was unexpected! Two frag grenades and a med-x in the trash can by the bridge out of the Hills. These could be handy...

I can't lie, as I look across the bridge I'm scared. I want to leave this place haunted with the ghosts of my recent past that is centuries old...but I'm fearful of what's out there. As I walk through my old community I'm compelled to right fallen furniture, place things back in their "place", and leave intact, well mostly intact, items alone rather then scrap them. My mind knows that I'm the only one on the planet that remembers where these things went...hell I might be the only one left on Earth, but my heart won't let me stop. I need to take a break, it's been nearly six hours...heading back to the Rosa's to break down these pistols and take stock of what I have scavenged. 

12:37 PM: Realized there are gourds growing behind the Rosa's near the melons. More food, radiated or not, is welcome. Broke down the guns and used some adhesive from duct tape, green goo from the fly glands and steel to give Nora  some glow sights. That will help with my aim. 

With my belly rumbling I grilled up some more roach. I hate to admit it but it either it smelled good all along, or I'm getting used to it. It's just too bad it takes three of them to get enough "meat" to cook. Lunch consisted of the just cooked roach and gourd. It could be worse, I guess...

2:14 PM: It's getting overcast and I'm tired. Lightning flashes, think I should head in, see if I can cobble together sometime useful. 

Tried to talk with Cogsworth but he's either worse then I thought, in some sort of cybernetic shock, or is just used to being alone. He insist I "take a walk". 

Shawn's room...I can't. 

3:28 PM: I need fresh water. Hiking back to the vault with the bottles I have. Should be able to come back with seven full of fresh water. 

My God...they shut them out. I took the footpath we ran the other day...I mean century... Skeletons lie outside the gates we passed through into the vault entrance...I still remember their faces...

Filled all my bottles in the Overseeer's room and got out as quick as possible. I don't like to think about it...but as a fallback the Vault is secure, but a death trap with no supplies. Might want to consider that as a last resort, if just shooting myself does not appeal to me. 

Took the direct rout down the cliff back home again, tossed a metal compressed gas tank down first and drug it back home to break down for steel. Cogsworth is still just hovering against the front wall...maybe in the morning I venture out past the bridge, see if the Red Rocket is still standing?  At least the sky cleared up....

8:06 PM: It's getting dark. Made some more candles for the living-room and a lamp for our...for my room. Dunno what I'll do tomorrow...I know I should look for others but there is a sad comfort in the familiar. Well hopefully I'll sleep dreamless again tonight. 

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